Even if you don't consider yourself a singer, voice habilitation can help you find more freedom, flexibility, and efficiency in your voice after an injury or sickness. While voice habilitation is concerned with restoring vocal function, it also goes beyond this. 'It includes the process of building and strengthening the voice to meet specific needs.’ (Principles of Phonation, TItze, 2000, p. xxiii)
Most individuals who have had treatment for a voice injury or who have current functional voice complaints can benefit from functional voice habilitation. These include (but are not limited to):
At VoCare Consulting, we are here to listen to your experiences and will work with you to find your healthy, free, and effective voice. Below are some of the services we offer.
Recording the voice at its best is an invaluable way to establish a healthy baseline to which the voice can be compared in the event of vocal injury and across subsequent treatment.
Click to read moreFor those who have undergone treatment for a voice disorder. Once cleared by a laryngologist and SLT, these sessions help clients regain finer vocal function.
Click to read moreAt times, singers and occupational voice users encounter voice problems that can be challenging to move past. These sessions provide targeted functional treatments to help with issues such as register transitions, breathiness, tension, and fatigue.
Click to read moreDr Calvin Peter Baker is a vocologist and singing voice specialist with a thorough understanding of anatomy, physiology, and acoustics of singing, as well as clinical practices for voice healthcare. As a tenor and voice teacher, Calvin understands the demands of high-level vocal performance and acknowledges that any vocal discomfort or change in normal vocal function can leave a singer feeling disempowered and insecure.
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